F A Q ' s

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can girls under 18 received services?

    Yes. Young ladies under 18 can receive services when accompanied by a parent.

  • Why wax or sugar?

    Waxing and sugaring are both alternatives to removing unwanted hair. Waxing and sugaring are preferred methods for hair removal because both last longer than shaving. You can expect 3 to 4 weeks in between waxing and sugaring sessions. Whereas with shaving, some ladies shave every 3 to 4 days. Also, over time regular waxing and sugaring will reduce hair growth which means the hair will regrow thinner and less visible.

  • What areas of the body can be waxed or sugared?

    It is safe to wax any body part that grows however. Brazilian, legs, underarms, arms, lip, and chin are common areas for ladies to wax and sugar.

  • How long should my hair be after shaving before I come in for initial wax or sugar treatment?

    With waxing, the hair needs to be at least ¼ of an inch (the length of a grain of rice) to remove. Typically, need to wait 2 weeks after shaving. 

    With sugaring, the hair can be 1/8 of an inch (shorter than what is required for waxing) for removal. Typically, need to wait one week after shaving.

  • How long will results of waxing or sugaring last?

    Typically, results last 3 to 4 weeks depending on each individual’s hair growth cycle.

  • Can I go tanning before or after my appointment?

    Avoid using a tanning bed, 24 to 48 hours before and after your hair removal service.

  • Will the hair grow back thicker?

    No, waxing and sugaring does not cause hair to grow back thicker. Otherwise people would use waxing and sugaring to treat areas where hair is thinning.

  • Can someone come in the treatment room with me?

    In order to provide a quality service and attention to treatment, guests are not allowed in the treatment room. I specialize in keeping my clients both calm and distracted during the treatment.

    Young ladies under 18 years old are required to have a parent in the room during service.

  • Are there any precautions I should take?

    Avoid waxing and sugaring while on Accutane. Clients must wait 6 to 12 must after stopping use of Accutane and consult with their dermatologist about continuing use of medication. 

    Diabetics and people with varicose veins and poor circulation should consult with their physician prior to waxing or sugaring. 

    Clients using skin thinning medications such as Retin-A, Renova, and Differin should avoid facial waxing for 7 days prior to facial treatment.

  • Can I get a Brazilian when I’m on my cycle?

    Yes, it is okay to wax or sugar while on your cycle. Keep in mind that hormones are high during your cycle therefore your skin will be more sensitive. You must wear a clean tampon at the time of service.

  • How long does the Brazilian service take?

    Your initial Brazilian can take anywhere from 20 to 35 minutes. Subsequent visits usually only take about 20 minutes.

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